Summary Tables

Row 1

Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Rate Summary LAUS
Area September 2024 August 2024 Monthly Change September 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 3.9 4.4 −0.5 3.6 0.3
U.S. SA 4.1 4.2 −0.1 3.8 0.3
Nevada 5.5 5.8 −0.3 5.2 0.3
Nevada SA 5.6 5.5 0.1 5.2 0.4
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Reno - Sparks MSA 4.3 4.7 −0.4 4.1 0.2
Carson City MSA 4.7 5.0 −0.3 4.3 0.4
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 5.9 6.1 −0.2 5.5 0.4
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 4.5 4.9 −0.4 4.2 0.3
White Pine County 3.4 3.8 −0.4 3.2 0.2
Lander County 3.8 4.2 −0.4 3.6 0.2
Elko County 4.0 4.4 −0.4 3.9 0.1
Humboldt County 4.1 4.8 −0.7 4.1 0.0
Washoe County 4.3 4.7 −0.4 4.1 0.2
Pershing County 4.6 5.1 −0.5 4.7 −0.1
Churchill County 4.7 5.2 −0.5 4.4 0.3
Douglas County 4.7 5.0 −0.3 4.5 0.2
Lincoln County 4.7 5.5 −0.8 4.8 −0.1
Carson City 4.7 5.0 −0.3 4.3 0.4
Eureka County 4.8 5.7 −0.9 3.8 1.0
Storey County 4.8 5.1 −0.3 4.2 0.6
Esmeralda County 5.4 5.6 −0.2 4.7 0.7
Clark County 5.9 6.1 −0.2 5.5 0.4
Lyon County 6.2 6.7 −0.5 5.7 0.5
Mineral County 6.5 6.7 −0.2 6.9 −0.4
Nye County 7.0 7.3 −0.3 6.6 0.4
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 4.0 4.4 −0.4 3.9 0.1
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 4.1 4.8 −0.7 4.1 0.0
Fallon Micropolitan Area 4.7 5.2 −0.5 4.4 0.3
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 4.7 5.0 −0.3 4.5 0.2
Fernley Micropolitan Area 6.2 6.7 −0.5 5.7 0.5
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 7.0 7.3 −0.3 6.6 0.4
Elko City* 4.1 4.5 −0.4 4.1 0.0
Sparks 4.3 4.7 −0.4 4.0 0.3
Reno 4.5 4.8 −0.3 4.2 0.3
Mesquite* 5.1 5.3 −0.2 4.4 0.7
Boulder City* 5.2 5.6 −0.4 4.8 0.4
Henderson 5.4 5.7 −0.3 5.0 0.4
Las Vegas 6.0 6.2 −0.2 5.7 0.3
Fernley City* 6.3 6.8 −0.5 5.8 0.5
North Las Vegas 6.8 7.0 −0.2 6.4 0.4
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

Labor Force

Labor Force Levels Summary LAUS
Area September 2024 August 2024 Monthly Change September 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 168,569,000 168,763,000 −194,000 167,718,000 851,000
U.S. SA 168,699,000 168,549,000 150,000 167,929,000 770,000
Nevada 1,624,826 1,618,153 6,673 1,614,534 10,292
Nevada SA 1,621,849 1,620,853 996 1,610,761 11,088
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 26,426 26,286 140 26,153 273
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,201,592 1,201,461 131 1,194,564 7,028
Reno - Sparks MSA 270,001 265,247 4,754 269,047 954
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 343,327 338,088 5,239 341,697 1,630
Churchill County 11,267 10,985 282 11,049 218
Clark County 1,201,592 1,201,461 131 1,194,564 7,028
Douglas County 23,009 23,025 −16 22,917 92
Elko County 26,211 26,087 124 25,815 396
Esmeralda County 485 449 36 486 −1
Eureka County 1,041 920 121 962 79
Humboldt County 7,893 7,570 323 7,788 105
Lander County 3,243 3,200 43 3,160 83
Lincoln County 2,064 1,981 83 2,025 39
Lyon County 23,891 23,530 361 23,580 311
Mineral County 1,551 1,540 11 1,492 59
Nye County 18,967 18,851 116 18,463 504
Pershing County 2,427 2,315 112 2,339 88
Storey County 2,177 2,145 32 2,168 9
Washoe County 267,824 263,102 4,722 266,879 945
White Pine County 4,759 4,706 53 4,690 69
Carson City 26,426 26,286 140 26,153 273
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 27,252 27,007 245 26,777 475
Fallon Micropolitan Area 11,267 10,985 282 11,049 218
Fernley Micropolitan Area 23,891 23,530 361 23,580 311
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 23,009 23,025 −16 22,917 92
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 18,967 18,851 116 18,463 504
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,893 7,570 323 7,788 105
Fernley City* 9,005 8,869 136 8,892 113
Boulder City* 7,907 7,924 −17 7,860 47
Elko City* 10,237 10,189 48 10,080 157
Henderson 176,924 177,079 −155 175,901 1,023
Las Vegas 331,217 331,165 52 329,595 1,622
Mesquite* 8,687 8,684 3 8,613 74
North Las Vegas 125,303 125,284 19 124,561 742
Reno 145,852 143,260 2,592 145,311 541
Sparks 60,123 59,093 1,030 59,924 199
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Employed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area September 2024 August 2024 Monthly Change September 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 162,046,000 161,348,000 698,000 161,669,000 377,000
U.S. SA 161,864,000 161,434,000 430,000 161,570,000 294,000
Nevada 1,534,854 1,524,544 10,310 1,531,028 3,826
Nevada SA 1,530,750 1,531,113 −363 1,526,732 4,018
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 25,172 24,972 200 25,021 151
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 1,131,065 1,128,522 2,543 1,129,171 1,894
Reno - Sparks MSA 258,287 252,784 5,503 258,116 171
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 327,782 321,586 6,196 327,255 527
Churchill County 10,734 10,417 317 10,568 166
Clark County 1,131,065 1,128,522 2,543 1,129,171 1,894
Douglas County 21,917 21,878 39 21,876 41
Elko County 25,168 24,940 228 24,796 372
Esmeralda County 459 424 35 463 −4
Eureka County 991 868 123 925 66
Humboldt County 7,567 7,208 359 7,467 100
Lander County 3,121 3,065 56 3,046 75
Lincoln County 1,968 1,873 95 1,928 40
Lyon County 22,406 21,952 454 22,242 164
Mineral County 1,450 1,437 13 1,389 61
Nye County 17,638 17,480 158 17,248 390
Pershing County 2,316 2,197 119 2,230 86
Storey County 2,073 2,036 37 2,077 −4
Washoe County 256,214 250,748 5,466 256,039 175
White Pine County 4,596 4,527 69 4,541 55
Carson City 25,172 24,972 200 25,021 151
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 26,159 25,808 351 25,721 438
Fallon Micropolitan Area 10,734 10,417 317 10,568 166
Fernley Micropolitan Area 22,406 21,952 454 22,242 164
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 21,917 21,878 39 21,876 41
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 17,638 17,480 158 17,248 390
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 7,567 7,208 359 7,467 100
Fernley City* 8,440 8,269 171 8,378 62
Boulder City* 7,494 7,477 17 7,482 12
Elko City* 9,816 9,727 89 9,671 145
Henderson 167,329 166,953 376 167,049 280
Las Vegas 311,467 310,767 700 310,946 521
Mesquite* 8,246 8,228 18 8,232 14
North Las Vegas 116,788 116,525 263 116,592 196
Reno 139,356 136,383 2,973 139,261 95
Sparks 57,565 56,337 1,228 57,526 39
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data


Unemployed Individuals Levels Summary LAUS
Area September 2024 August 2024 Monthly Change September 2023 Yearly Change
U.S. 6,524,000 7,415,000 −891,000 6,049,000 475,000
U.S. SA 6,834,000 7,115,000 −281,000 6,360,000 474,000
Nevada 89,972 93,609 −3,637 83,506 6,466
Nevada SA 91,099 89,740 1,359 84,029 7,070
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Carson City MSA 1,254 1,314 −60 1,132 122
Las Vegas - Paradise MSA 70,527 72,939 −2,412 65,393 5,134
Reno - Sparks MSA 11,714 12,463 −749 10,931 783
Combined Statistical Area
Reno-Carson City-Fernley, Nv Combined Statistical Area 15,545 16,502 −957 14,442 1,103
Churchill County 533 568 −35 481 52
Clark County 70,527 72,939 −2,412 65,393 5,134
Douglas County 1,092 1,147 −55 1,041 51
Elko County 1,043 1,147 −104 1,019 24
Esmeralda County 26 25 1 23 3
Eureka County 50 52 −2 37 13
Humboldt County 326 362 −36 321 5
Lander County 122 135 −13 114 8
Lincoln County 96 108 −12 97 −1
Lyon County 1,485 1,578 −93 1,338 147
Mineral County 101 103 −2 103 −2
Nye County 1,329 1,371 −42 1,215 114
Pershing County 111 118 −7 109 2
Storey County 104 109 −5 91 13
Washoe County 11,610 12,354 −744 10,840 770
White Pine County 163 179 −16 149 14
Carson City 1,254 1,314 −60 1,132 122
Labor Market Area
Elko Micropolitan Area 1,093 1,199 −106 1,056 37
Fallon Micropolitan Area 533 568 −35 481 52
Fernley Micropolitan Area 1,485 1,578 −93 1,338 147
Gardnerville Micropolitan Area 1,092 1,147 −55 1,041 51
Pahrump Micropolitan Area 1,329 1,371 −42 1,215 114
Winnemucca Micropolitan Area 326 362 −36 321 5
Fernley City* 565 600 −35 514 51
Boulder City* 413 447 −34 378 35
Elko City* 421 462 −41 409 12
Henderson 9,595 10,126 −531 8,852 743
Las Vegas 19,750 20,398 −648 18,649 1,101
Mesquite* 441 456 −15 381 60
North Las Vegas 8,515 8,759 −244 7,969 546
Reno 6,496 6,877 −381 6,050 446
Sparks 2,558 2,756 −198 2,398 160
* State Specific Areas, not endorsed or published by the BLS
SA denotes seasonally adjusted data

United States


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Labor Force Participation Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Employment Population Ratio

Las Vegas - Paradise MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno - Sparks MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Carson City MSA


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Reno, Carson City, Fernley Combined Statistical Area


Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Individuals

Employed Individuals

Labor Force

Elko Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fallon Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Fernley Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Gardenerville Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pahrump Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Winnemucca Micropolitan Area


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Churchill County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Clark County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Douglas County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Esmeralda County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Eureka County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Humboldt County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lander County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lincoln County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Lyon County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Mineral County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Nye County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Pershing County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Storey County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Washoe County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

White Pine County


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Carson City


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

Elko City*


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals

North Las Vegas


Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals



Unemployment Rate

Labor Force

Employed Individuals

Unemployed Individuals


Unemployment estimates come from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. This program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for census regions, states, counties, metropolitan areas, and many large cities, by place of residence.

The cities of Boulder City, Elko, Fernley, and Mesquite are state specific areas. These estimates are not endorsed or published by the BLS.

Prepared by the Research and Analysis Bureau with contributions from: Jordan Ambrose, Jason Gortari, Dionny McDonnell, Dave Schmidt, Marianne Segurson, Idalia Valdez Parra, and Tim Wilcox.

Special thanks to all the R and RStudio developers that built the packages to make this possible. Packages used in this report include tidyverse, RColorBrewer, ggthemes, scales, cowplot, data.table, RcppRoll, transformr, gridExtra, gapminder, hrbrthemes, ggforce, patchwork, reshape2, tidyquant, kableExtra, reshape, tinytex, extrafont, knitr, magrittr, Cairo, DBI, ggrepel, magick, dplyr, gtable, grid, glue, plotly, flexdashboard, gt.